Thursday, July 9, 2009

Three fishes

Three fishes lived in a big lake. They were very good friends. The yellow fish was very intelligent. The Black fish was very shrewd. The white fish was very lazy and believed in the fate. However, all three fishes were happy being together.

One evening, the yellow fish saw two fishermen walking along the lake. It overheard what they were talking. The first one said “Hey buddy, look, there is a big lake here. How come we have never seen this before? Come, let’s spread our net and catch those big fishes” To which the second one replied “Oh, it is already very late. Let us come tomorrow and catch them all”.

The yellow fish immediately rushed to its friends and told them to leave the lake immediately. “Hey, tomorrow those fishermen will come with their nets and will catch all of us. Let us leave this place now itself”. The white fish refused to do so. It said” I have lived in this place for long, and I’ll not want to leave. If it is destined that we’ll be caught, let that be. We can not change the fate”. The black fish thought for a while and said ”Let me wait and watch, I know what to do if they come. I’ll manage”

The yellow fish decided to leave immediately. It did not want to wait until the danger comes. It swam through a small canal and left for a nearby bigger lake.

The next day, the fishermen came and threw their big nets. They caught most of the fishes from the lake. The black fish and the white fish were also caught.

The black fish pondered over the issue and decided to come out of it shrewdly. It closed its eyes and held its breath. It pretended as if it was dead. The fishermen spread the fishes on the ground and noticed the black fish. “Hey, this fish is already dead. Let us throw it back into the water” They threw the black fish, along with some other dead fishes into the water again. The black fish thus escaped from the danger and swam safely in to the deep area of the lake.

The white fish was jumping to somehow go back to the waters. The fishermen noticed this and gave it a big blow and put it inside their bag. The poor white fish could not escape from the fishermen and get killed later.

Moral: We need to be careful in assessing the danger and escape from it before the danger strikes, like the yellow fish. Prevention is always better.

Even if we can not avoid the danger, we need to be shrewd enough to escape from it, like the black fish.

We should not be foolish and resign to the fate, without taking any action, like the white fish.


  1. Wow. A great eye-opener

    Feeling bad that we did not know this story during the end of 2008 :((

    Anyhow, better late than never :))

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