Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ego !

Once there was a sculptor, who could make perfect wax models. His wax models were so perfect that it was almost impossible to differentiate the original from the reproduction. He had been very popular in his city and everyone was admiring his rare talent.

One day, he learnt that the angel of death was searching for him. He had decided to somehow dodge his death. He had reproduced a dozen wax models of himself. When the angel came down to pick this guy, she was at loss to know which of the thirteen specimens before her was the sculptor, so she left them all alone and returned to heaven.

This happened for quite sometimes, when ever the angel came for the sculptor, she would get confused and would go back.

Being an expert of the human nature, the angel came up with a clever idea. She said “ sir, you must be a genius to have succeeded in making such perfect reproduction of yourself. However, I have discovered a mistake in your work, just one tiny flaw”

The sculptor immediately jumped out and shouted, “impossible! Where is the flaw?”

“Here it is!” said the angel as she picked up the sculptor from among the reproductions and took him off.

While our skills take us high, our ego pulls us down!

As Prof Bala Balachandran of Great Lakes Institute of Management puts it,
I Go, YOU Go, Why ‘E’go?

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